Proud Sponsor of Managing Electronic Meetings & Restricted Proxies Webinar [CHOA Webinar]
This informative webinar was organized by CHOA and presented by Veronica Franco at Clark Wilson LLP and proudly sponsored by Power Strata Systems on May 12, 2020.
You can access the video recording of this webinar at the link below on CHOA's YouTube channel:
Video recording of Managing Electronic Meetings & Restricted Proxies Webinar
You can access the presentation slides here on CHOA's website:
Presentation Slides [PDF Format]
You can also download a sample of Notice of Agenda, Restricted Proxy Form and Voting Card/Ballot at the link below on CHOA's website:
Sample for Notice of Agenda, Restricted Proxy Form and Voting Card/Ballot [MS Word Document]
To view the archive of all CHOA's webinars, you can click on the link below and see the complete list with the links to the video recording of the webinars and the slides on CHOA's website:
Archive of All CHOA Webinars with the Video Recordings and Slides